Credit: YinYang / iStock

Dealing with writer’s block is a frustrating experience for any writer. A lack of ideas makes it difficult to find the right words, whether you are trying to update your blog or you are writing for a client.

Constantly staring at a blank screen will only increase your stress levels, especially if you are trying to meet an upcoming deadline. Understanding how to overcome writer’s block is a necessity for any writer, whether you do this for a living or you enjoy writing as a hobby.

Here are three tips to remember in overcoming this common problem.

1) Take a Break

Taking a break often feels counterintuitive if you haven’t even written a sentence. However, going outside for a walk and some fresh air is a great way to take your mind off writing. Taking a 20- or 30-minute walk can rejuvenate your mind and make it much easier for you to write once you get back inside your office. Doing a few simple exercises is also helpful in coming up with new ideas, as they are great for both your mind and body.

2) Keep a File of Blog Topics

Another way to overcome writer’s block is to maintain a file of ideas for potential articles. Keeping a list of blog ideas allows you to review these files if you are ever struggling to write about a new topic. Bookmarking links to specific websites can also help inspire you to write a brand new article about a specific subject. Continually adding to your list of blog ideas makes it much easier to write in the future without spending hours struggling to think of ideas on your own.

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3) Check Out Trending Topics

Understanding which topics are trending in your industry is key to attracting more traffic to your website. You can use various tools to look at search trends, such as BuzzSumo, Google Trends, or SEMRush. Entering keywords is a great way to see which ones are more popular, as you can create blog posts based on popular searches. Routinely checking out trending topics won’t just help you come up with new ideas, but it will also help you improve your content marketing strategy.

Final Thoughts

Writing blog posts on a consistent basis isn’t always easy. A lack of ideas or inspiration is a common issue facing many writers, whether they are new or have been in the industry for decades. Taking breaks to get some exercise is an often overlooked but simple way to get fresh new ideas. Keeping a list of future blog topics and looking at keyword trends can also make it a lot easier to write. Following these simple methods over an extended period of time can save you plenty of stress and greatly reduce the risk of dealing with writer’s block.